Course Syllabus

Honors English 9                                                                                            
Mr. Albertson – Room 152
Email –


COURSE DESCRIPTION/OVERVIEW: This course is designed to improve student’s reading, writing, group discussion, and speaking skills.  Throughout the year students will practice these skills through six complete units of study: Short Stories, Killer of Enemies (Sci-Fi Unit), Persuasive Speaking, To Kill a Mockingbird, Greek Mythology, and Romeo and Juliet.  Students will spend time analyzing and discussing different types of literature with one another.  They will utilize new writing practices to further improve their writing. Students will improve communication skills through small and large group discussions.

GRADING: Your grades are based on our school’s grading scale:

  • A – 90 – 100%
  • B – 80 – 89%
  • C – 70 – 79%
  • D – 60 – 69%
  • F – 59% and below

The following will be used to calculate your grades:

  • 70% Summative Assessment:

            - Major quizzes and tests

            - Essays

            - Speeches/Projects

            - Bellwork

            - Vocabulary Tests

  • 30% Formative Assessment

- Daily work

- Practice writing assignments

-Weekly Vocabulary Practice

-Grammar Quizzes/Practice

Grades can be accessed via parent/student web.  You can see me before or after school to discuss your grade or any other concerns.   


CLASSROOM RULES:  Students are expected to respect and follow all rules and regulations contained in the Papillion-La Vista Student Handbook.  Ignorance of the contents of this document is not an excuse for breaking school or classroom rules.  Please be considerate of the needs of others in this classroom. 

  • Cell phones will be handed in at the beginning of every class. You can pick up your phone at the end of class.  If you chose not to turn in your phone and take it out during class, I will take it for the rest of the day. If this occurs again, I will contact home and you will receive a detention.
  • Purses/bags/backpacks must be kept underneath desks.
  • Do not bring food into the classroom.  Drinks with lids are acceptable.  If you make a mess, please clean up after yourself. GUM IS NOT PERMITTED!
  • Locker/restroom passes will be granted at my discretion.  You will not get more than one pass per week.  Ask at the appropriate time or your request will be denied.  If you do not have your planner, you will not get a passNO EXCEPTIONS

TARDINESS: Students will be on time to class.  If you enter the classroom late, you must sign in at the front table. 

  • Tardy Consequences:
    • 1st Tardy – Warning
    • 2nd Tardy – Detention (30 min) with me and Parent Contact
    • 3rd Tardy – Referral to Grade-level Principal.


PARTICIPATION:  Class participation will be expected on a daily basis.  Each and every day, students will participate in group discussions, and other small classroom activities. 


  • All assignments should have the following heading on the top left of your paper:




Teachers’ Last Name(s)

  • All final draft compositions are expected to be typed and submitted on the assigned due date. You will also have an opportunity to hand in your papers online if you have internet access.  Papers that are in your locker, left at home, or still on a flash drive when class starts are considered late.  Computers are available before and after school in the media center – use these to get your work printed off and turned in on time!  As a last resort, you may email me your work if you are having printer issues, but this must be AT LEAST 24-Hours before the due date—do not wait until the last minute.

  • We will follow the PLHS Homework Policy.  Work handed in after the due date will result in a lowered grade and meetings with me. Meetings with me may be assigned for all types of homework, including reading assignments.  
  • LATE POLICY: Work is due at the beginning of the hour it is due.
    • Day 1: Turn in by the end of the day (3:30pm)
    • Day 2: Parent Contact/10% deduction
    • Day 3: Parent-Administrator Contact/ 10% deduction
    • Day 4: Saturday or Thursday School

  • Cheating/plagiarism on any level will not be tolerated and will result in a zero. 
  • When returning from an absence, it is your responsibility to get your assignment from the assignment bin.  You will have two days per day you were absent to turn in the completed work.  If you are gone from the day an assignment is due, you will need to turn it in the day you return in order to receive full credit.  If you know that you will be absent from school, you must get your assignments beforehand.  All work from planned absences will be due on the day you return.  This means that if you will miss class for a school activity on the same day that an assignment is due, you must plan to hand the work in the day you return.  

NECESSARY MATERIALS: Please come prepared to class with the following materials and whatever book we may be reading:

These items will stay in the classroom:

  • 3-ring binder (will stay in the classroom)
  • Notebook for class notes OR loose-leaf paper

These are other necessary items:

  • Notecards (when needed for speeches, presentations, or vocabulary extra credit)
  • Pen or pencil

Course Summary:

Date Details Due