Course Syllabus


This first-semester course is designed to help students explore a variety of media including broadcast, video, audio, Internet, mobile, cross-platform media, and print.  Students will learn about the power of the media and its historical development, current trends, and future innovations. Legal and ethical standards will be introduced as students begin the writing, filming, and editing processes through hands-on opportunities with equipment and software.


This second-semester course is designed to help students explore careers while working together to create projects in a variety of media such as web, broadcast, design, and live-streaming over the Internet.  The emphasis of Media Studies 2 is on collaboration and career exploration.


Opportunities for live stream crew positions are listed in the BAND calendar are sign-ups are on paper in room 306.  Footage opportunities are listed in the BAND calendar and sign-ups are in BAND via event RSVP.

Current Events quizzes are given on Friday or the last regular school day of the week in abbreviated weeks.  There is no CE quiz Thanksgiving week or during Finals week.

Proficiency assignments include but are not limited to: timed camera set-up, software quizzes, equipment knowledge quizzes, First Amendment quizzes, copyright quizzes, and assessment of project folder organization and maintenance.

Project Progress grades are based upon intermediate deadlines during extended projects and are check-marks in student progress and offer an opportunity for informal feedback and reedits.

Final Project grades are based upon final projects and each will have a specific rubric.  Meeting the due date and deadline is part of the rubric as are many other details.  Students are encouraged to review the rubric when a project is assigned and consult it frequently during the project work days so ensure they are meeting expectations.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due