Course Syllabus

Mr. Dan Johnston 

Business Department 


Room 413K 


Contact: The best way to reach me is to send me an email. I will try and respond within a 24 hour period. Students can always conference with me before school or after school (depending on the time of year). My room is 413K. Please feel free to schedule a time to stop by and visit. 

Classroom Policies and Procedures: 

  1. No FOOD in this classroom at any time. I am in a lab full of computers…this is non-negotiable. Drinks will be allowed if, and only if they have a covered top.  
  1. Be on time. The tardy policy will be enforced if it becomes an issue. If you are not in the room when the bell is done ringing, you are tardy. If you are late because of another teacher or administrator, make sure you get a pass from them. When the bell rings, quietly sit in your assigned seat and get ready to start class.  
  1. Tardy Policy: 
  1. 1st Tardy = Warning 
  1. 2nd and 3rd = Teacher intervention and Parent contact 
  1. 4th plus = Administrative referral  
  1. Cell Phone (Electronic Devices) Policy:  If I am talking, someone else is talking, or you are taking a quiz/test…your cell phone needs to be on silent/turned off and out of sight. The ONLY time I will allow you to use your cell phone will be when you are working on an assignment (day-to-day basis) and you want to listen to music (you ARE allowed to use ear buds when the time is appropriate). If you start to abuse your cell phone privileges, I will collect it and put it on my desk for the hour, then you will pick it up at the end of the hour. You will know when you can and when you can’t use your phones and headphones. Use common sense as much as possible. 
  1. Passes: No planners this year.  If you would like to go to the restroom, offices (admin, guidance, nurse) another classroom, etc. Administrators are the only staff members who can send students to their cars. Don’t abuse passes. Understand wants and needs.   
  1. Make-up work:  You have two days for every day absent to complete missed assignments. Make sure you ask me (check my blog) or someone else in class about what you missed. I will try to give you time during class if at all possible, but do not plan on finishing your assignment(s) in class. Make arrangements with me to get your missing work turned in within two days so you can still get full credit for your work. Late work will be penalized 10% for each day it is late. Remember, when there is work to be done, it’s time to work 
  1. Cheating will NOT be tolerated. If I catch you cheating on any assignment or test, you will be given a zero. This includes copying work or allowing someone to copy your work. Your parents will be contacted and the administration will be involved as well. This could also cause you to be dropped from the class completely. 
  1. Computer Usage: Computers are property of Papillion-La Vista Community Schools and should only be used for school-related assignments and projects. Use of the Internet is prohibited unless assigned by me for school use. Vandalism includes any harm to the computer’s hardware or software. Never change the control panel settings or open the door on the monitor. DO NOT touch any wires (unless I tell you to), whether it’s your computer or your neighbor’s, leave them alone. If I catch you pulling out wires I will take away your computer privileges for at least a week. Also, your feet belong on the floor, not the desks, computers, chairs, or walls! Computers are a privilege and failure to comply by these rules will result in loss of computer privileges and possibly withdrawal from the class.    
  1. Dismissal:  I will notify you before the dismissal bell sounds, or at least try to. Your computer, monitor, wires, desk/work area should be completely cleared/clean. Make sure everything is put away and all of the trash is in the trash can(s). Please be seated in your chair when the bell rings.  

 Student Responsibilities and Expectations:   

The 3 B(e)’s – Character Counts!  


Take care of school equipment 

No food or drinks (without a closed lid) are allowed in the computer lab 

Keep hands to yourself (don’t touch each other or each other’s computer) 


Be prepared for class 

Follow directions the first time they are given 

Get your work finished – ON TIME is ideal 

Follow computer use guidelines 

Don’t cheat…learn it or ask questions  


When I’m talking you’re not. If someone is talking, your phone and headphone aren’t easily visible.  

Raise your hand and be recognized before speaking please.  

Profanity, rude or vulgar comments or actions are not acceptable 

Clean up desk area and work surface at end of the period 

Maintain a positive attitude 


I follow the PLHS Attendance, Tardy, and Technology Acceptable Use Policies, as well as all of the guidelines in the handbook. Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in a 0.  Students will put their phones in the container on Mr. Johnston’s desk for all tests and quizzes. This is a school policy.   


Grade Breakdown:  Daily assignments and participation are very important in this class.  You will also be assessed on your learning through quizzes and tests.  I will keep a running grade throughout the semester which will not reset at the quarter break.  Your grade will be broken down approximately 70% tests/projects and 30% daily work. 

 A - 100%-90%  

B - 89%-80% 

C - 79%-70% 

D - 69%-60% 

F - 59% and below 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due